Our Story

O nas

Historia nazwy Goldfield

Willa jest spuścizną po pradziadku Johnie – Ivanie Usorcu, który większość swojego życia spędził w Nevadzie (stan w USA), w małym górniczym mieście Goldfield. Tam pracował jako wydobywca złota oraz założył rodzinę, ale z biegiem czasu tęsknota za ojczyzną stała się nieznośna i pradziadek wrócił do Dalmacji.

I to jako niezwykle bogaty człowiek! Tu spotkał swoją przyszłą żonę z którą stworzył zupełnie nowe życie. No i jak każda dobra opowieść tak i ta ma swój punkt zwrotny. Pradziadek znalazł się w złym miejscu o niewłaściwym czasie i został okradziony. Zabrali mu złoto i dolary zarobione przy bardzo ciężkiej pracy. Jednakże coś się uchowało. Przepiękny złoty pierścień z symbolem przetwórstwa winorośli i winogron z napisem Goldfield, który jest po dzień dzisiejszy rodzinnym skarbem.

Pierścień dziedziczony jest z pokolenia na pokolenie, oddając hołd pradziadkowi.

Produkcja winogron i wina naszej rodziny
Wina biodynamiczne
Tradycja produkcji wina

We can also boast of the tradition of grape and wine production of the Usorac family from Spilica, a small farm near Ploče, which is very long and dates back over 40 years.
The family agricultural farm (OPG) is called „Goldfield”, which has behind it a long history woven from hard work, patriotism and family heritage. You can find more about the name itself in the title „History of the name Goldfield”.

The love for the vine was first awakened by the grandparents, nurturing it for many years. Practically their entire life was devoted to raising plantations and cultivating them year after year, which contributed to an increasingly high-quality fruit, grapes.

Given the many years of conventional vine cultivation, after the grandfather’s death, the grandchildren together with the heir son wanted to raise vine cultivation to a higher level and raise awareness of a better and healthier way of wine production.

The awareness of the ecological method of cultivation was primarily stimulated by the example of „poisoning” valuable land with all pesticides in the surrounding plantations, which gives us food and life, and we destroy it, knowingly.
Biodynamics is based on the principle of feeding the earth and the earth will feed you, give life to the earth and it will give life. Only natural preparations are used for growing vines, and with healthy wine we strengthen our body and soul.

If you’ve ever wondered why winegrowers keep saying that you have to love this job, it’s because of this sentence:
„Unlike other cultures, the vineyard requires you to be in it 200 days a year, regardless of whether you worked or went to visit it, you always have to be present.”

More and more popular, so to speak, tasting a destination through tasting its wines – in a glass of wine it is as if the sunny slopes of the vineyards, the warm tones of the earth, rivers and fields, meadows and seas of a country are melted. Let’s taste the wine and wish to meet in the vineyards where it comes from – this is how a wine tourist begins his journey.
We will also call it wine tourism or eno tourism, and in addition to visiting wineries and vineyards and wine tasting, we can also offer participation in grape harvesting and wine production, in general, getting to know the destination’s winemaking tradition.

As the basis of the gastronomic offer of the destination, wine, or wine varieties, have strong geographical characteristics, whereby the wine owes its aroma to the location. That is why wine, more than the rest of the gastronomic offer, is part of the destination’s identity in a natural and cultural sense

If there was no wine, they say, „many songs would be unsung, works unwritten, dreams unfulfilled, and a lot of love would be wasted.”